December 2021 Newsletter

What a year!

2021 has been a year of growth, challenges, and dreaming about a future where we can all get together and get inky again. We’ve worked on big projects, made new friends, stretched our curatorial muscles, spent more time on Zoom than we would have ever predicted, found our favorite brand of n95 masks, got some bad news, got some great news and slowly but surely are making a plan for a new home. None of this year would have been possible without our incredible team. Thank you Sammi, Amber, Caro, Sydney, Kylie, Adrian, Madeline, Abby, Coral, Leah, Chachi and Jess for working tirelessly to keep printmaking alive in Fort Lauderdale. All our efforts would be for not without the support of our community and you, so thank you for joining us on this journey and making the dream of a South Floridian printmaking and book arts oasis possible and filled with creative, intelligent, and hilariously quirky minds.

We’re expecting some big changes in 2022 and can’t wait to share them with you! In the mean time please come visit the studio before we have to start the daunting task of packing and do reach out if you have any leads on large warehouses in artsy neighborhoods. We’re very grateful for all of the help we’ve received thus far and are chasing down every lead until we find the perfect home!




Re: Contextual by David Wolske
November 17, 2021 - January 3, 2022

Re: Contextual is a solo exhibition of relief letterpress prints by David Wolske combining contemporary and historical processes to transfigure letters, numbers, and punctuation into visual poetry. The abstractions use color and negative space to communicate the more emotional aspects of written language while inviting the viewers to create their own interpretations.

By deconstructing language to express a more visceral form of communication, Wolske's work playfully subverts the relationship between the hand and the machine. Viewers may be surprised to learn that the deceptively simple shapes they see in these enigmatic compositions are remixed letters and numbers. By abstracting the alphabet, Wolske transforms the ordinary, or even banal, into something new and unexpected.

David Wolske is a typo/graphic designer, artist, and educator. His interdisciplinary practice combines the traditions of letterpress and printmaking with digital tools and design thinking. Wolske’s work is exhibited and collected nationally and internationally. He is a 2020 LHM Educator Fellow at the Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography at ArtCenter College of Design; the College Book Art Association 2018 Emerging Educator; 2016 Visiting Artist at Hatch Show Print; and a 2014 Utah Visual Arts Fellow. Wolske’s work is represented by Artspace111 in Fort Worth. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the College of Visual Arts and Design at the University of North Texas.



A Solo Show
by Golnar Adili



For the Person Who Has Everything

Visit our gallery shop and fine art print shop to find a unique print for the aspiring art collector in your life

For the Bibliofile

Whether the book lover in your life appreciates artists’ books or hand crafted journals and notebooks, our shop has a wide array of options

For the Creative Type

Our winter class schedule is now live on the website! We’ve got print, paper, and book-focused classes for both new and experienced printers. If you purchase a class as a gift for someone, just shoot us an email to let us know and we will send you a customized card to print out and present to the lucky recipient. In order to receive the card in time, please make your purchase and notify us by end of day Thursday, December 23rd.