IS Projects is currently seeking motivated, passionate, detail-oriented, individuals for our internship program. Interns should have a strong interest in fine art printmaking, letterpress, or book arts. Interns can expect to be fully immersed in all aspects of ISP. Each intern is expected to work steadily over the internship period and assist with select special events. Interns can expect to leave ISP with an understanding of letterpress printing, relief printing and book-binding as well as behind the scenes knowledge of a grassroots arts organization, new professional connections, and a passion to continue their fine art career.


Interns will be expected to:

  • Assist in printing editions and commercial letterpress jobs

  • Help maintain an orderly workspace

  • Assist with workshops and events

  • Assist in the production of items for retail

  • Assist with installation and deinstallation of exhibitions

Interns can expect to learn:

  • Screen printing

  • Letterpress and relief printing

  • Book-binding

  • How to work in a collaborative environment

  • Maintaining and running an efficient fine art print studio

  • How to plan and execute public workshops

This internship totals 120 hours and includes a stipend of $1500. Interns must be 18 years of age or older.

To Apply:

Subject: Internship

In the body of your email, please include your contact information (name, phone, website) and the season you’re applying for.
Attach 1 PDF document titled with this format:


(eg: Schindall-Winter2024-internship.pdf)

Please include all of the following in 1 PDF:

  • Cover Letter

  • Resume

  • 5 - 10 images of your work with size, medium, year

Our Internships are offered in:

FALL Dates: September - November
Application Deadline July 15

WINTER Dates: December - February
Application Deadline October 15

SPRING Dates: March - May
Application Deadline January 15

SUMMER Dates: June - August
Application Deadline April 15