May 2022 Newsletter

290 NW 73rd Street, Miami, FL 33150

We made it to Miami!

We are thrilled to announce that we have the keys to our new home in Miami! Our new address is 290 NW 73rd Street, Miami, FL 33150, and our new phone number is (305) 646-1065. We have been exceptionally busy moving all of our equipment, supplies, furniture, and art down to our gorgeous new mint-green building in the Little River area, and we couldn’t be more excited. We are incredibly grateful for all of the help and support we have received from our friends and family, and would particularly like to thank the folks over at MAD Arts. They sent us a super energetic and positive team and a really big truck to move some of our most beloved presses and other very heavy things. This move would have been significantly harder without their generosity and kindness.

Our community has really been here for us as we have undertaken the challenges that come with moving and growing, so of course, we would like to invite you to come visit and celebrate with us! We have a lot of big dreams for the new space, and we will soon be sharing all of the varying ways in which our educational programming, access to the studio, and other forms of community engagement will be changing (keep your eyes peeled for the return of Print Club and a brand new membership program focused on helping you cultivate your ideas!) In the meantime, we have a couple of dates we’d like to put on your calendar. These are going to be great opportunities to come check out the new setup and hang out with us!




Still life from the unpacking process, including Nearing by Jen Clay, a 3D Printed Mini-Press by fiu ratcliffe institute (Far Left), and Printer’s Luck Prayer Candle by Julia Arredondo.

Saturday, May 21st, 2022, 11AM-6PM

Though we will not yet be completely operational, a few of us are going to be in the studio this Saturday hanging out and settling in to life in the new location. Feel free to drop in, say hello, and have a drink with us. We would be happy to show you around and clue you in to some of our plans for the future. If you want to make a day of it, May 21st is also the date of Fountainhead’s annual Artists Open. From 11AM-6PM, tons of participating Miami artists will be opening their studio doors and inviting the public in to take a peek at what they’re doing. We have plenty of friends participating and would be glad to help you find your way to them!




Saturday, June 25th, 2022, 2pm - 6pm

By June 25th, we’ll be up and running again, and we would love to celebrate with you. We will be throwing a big grand opening party, at which you can expect tours of our fully set up space, snacks, friendship, rousing games of cornhole, an exciting assortment of natural wines, and live printing, of course! It is bound to be a beautiful blend of a ton of the wonderful people from the past, present, and future of the studio. This is when we’ll publicly unveil the first wave of our future offerings, so come be among the first to hear about all the new ways you can get involved at the studio.

A little glimpse into the process of unpacking some of our favorite type cabinets.

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