August 2022 Newsletter
It’s been a wonderful summer here in Miami as we continue to unpack and make this new space our own. We’ve had a lot of exciting projects to keep us busy and a steady stream of inspiring folks have been here learning, working, and exploring the possibilities our studio holds for them. It’s been pure joy getting to share what we do with the print and book lovers around us.
We have especially enjoyed sharing some of our favorite recent prints on our project wall these last few months. Since our grand opening, we have had paintings and prints by the fantastic Tara Booth on display, on loan from our friends at mtn space gallery in Lake Worth, FL. mtn space commissioned us to produce the prints for Tara’s solo exhibition last spring and we’re delighted that our visitors love them as much as we do. All three of the prints are screen printed with between 11 and 13 different layers! They are based on three of her original paintings from a narrative series of paintings she made while in residence at mtn space. If you’d like to see these prints in person and/or acquire one or all, just reach out to us or drop by before September 10 when we will be changing up the wall! Each one is $250 and is signed and editioned by Tara.
This September, we will be closed for two weeks. We will be away from the studio from September 13th-September 24th. Come visit us again on September 27th, if you can’t catch us before our travels!
Screenprints of Tara Booth’s Work on our project Wall
Print by our Summer Inter Veronica Botero at our grand opening
It may be 90°F today in Miami, but fall is just around the corner, and we are feeling it. For many of you, this means school is back in session. Our beloved summer interns, Veronica Botero and Khanh Ho, have completed their hours and returned to school. Over the course of this summer, they have developed lots of new print and book skills, and were particularly helpful as we cranked out some big screen printing projects. Both of them will be completing their BFAs at Florida Atlantic University in the near future, so if you see them, congratulate them on their great work this summer and wish them luck!
As one thing ends, though, another begins! We will be welcoming many new folks to the studio come September. We have a new crop of interns coming in (keep an eye out for next month’s newsletter to meet them!) and we are also excited to welcome our first two Artists-in-Residence to our new space.
We have been offering opportunities for artists to come make their work in our space for nearly as long as we’ve been open, but after the move to Miami, we took some time to rework our programs a little. We now offer four different Artist-in-Residence programs, which you can explore on our website.
We are very excited to announce that we will be welcoming to the studio two artists to make their work here at IS Projects. Carol Todaro and Lisa Haque will be in residence simultaneously for two weeks in the middle of September as a part of our Skill Exchange Residency. Miami-based book/print/paper folks likely already know that both of these artists are as cool as they are creative. They each bring with them a unique wealth of technical knowledge, experience, and beautiful ideas, and we are looking forward to seeing what they create during their time here.
Stay tuned to learn more about these artists! We will be sharing more about their time in residence in the studio in the not-so-distant future.
We only have two classes left on the schedule this quarter! Can you believe it? We are beyond excited for both of them. New workshops will be announced in September, so stay tuned!
Feeling inspired? Anyone looking to come in and make their own art here could benefit from one of our membership programs. Membership is the only way to rent studio time here, so check out all four of our exciting membership programs here and see what makes the most sense for you! We would love to see you in the studio making your work soon.