July Class Newsletter
/We made it to Miami, we had a blast at our grand opening, and as promised, there are some big changes to announce. The first big change: this will be the last of the workshop newsletters. We will continue to send our regular monthly newsletter, but if you want to be the first to hear about workshops, sign up for one of our studio memberships! Studio membership is essential to our new studio rental process, and comes with a whole bunch of other wonderful benefits, including discounts on scheduled workshops, an invitation to members-only events, the opportunity to participate in our new annual print exchange, and of course, an early bird newsletter for events requiring an RSVP (and if you’ve read this far, then it’s likely you’re kinda into newsletters.)
If you want to learn a little bit more about membership, please read on and click through. And to kick off the program, we are offering a sweet discount on studio memberships for the month of July! Just use the code SIGNMEUP at checkout on our website.
Of course, the workshop newsletter was established to keep you posted on what we’re teaching, so if you make it to the bottom of this email, you will be rewarded with a glimpse at all of our upcoming workshops. We’re especially excited to offer a workshop for those of you looking to make a mock-up for a photo book, lead by guest artist Gabriela Gamboa.
Just a few moments from our Grand Opening pictured above.
There are many benefits to our studio membership program, but it’s likely that the biggest draw would be this: renting studio time. If you are interested in using our presses, type, and other exciting equipment to make your own book and print projects, all you need to do is sign up for one of our four Studio memberships, take our Welcome Course, and then you can rent assisted or unassisted studio time for the next 12 months. Studio membership comes with tons of additional benefits, including discounts on scheduled workshops and members-only opportunities. Studio membership is now a requirement for all studio rental.
Though they share a common set of core benefits, each of these programs has a unique focus, and the additional benefits are designed to help you get the most out of your time at IS Projects, whatever your goals may be. There are four studio memberships:
The Basic Studio Membership
The Print Club Membership
The Portfolio Development Membership
The Premier Access Membership
Whichever membership you choose, you’re invited to our very first members-only event if you sign up!
Shop Talk is a new quarterly members-only event, and the very first one is coming up on July 22nd, from 6:30-8:30PM! At this event, Studio Members will be invited to come to IS Projects with a couple of prints of their own. All participants will then have the opportunity to dig into one another’s practices, discussing printmaking from a technical perspective and getting new ideas from each other. This event will, of course, be accompanied by snacks and drinks… On the house!
We are back to running workshops again! We have missed having folks in the studio for workshops and can’t wait to get started. Please remember, if the thing you want to learn isn’t listed this quarter, you have options. Just email brooke@isprojectsfl.com and let me know what you want to learn.
Thank you for reading, and hopefully, we’ll see you in the studio soon!