A Closer Look: Copy of the Original by Rachel Livedalen

A Closer Look: Copy of the Original by Rachel Livedalen

It is our pleasure to present Rachel Livedalen’s solo exhibition, Copy of the Original, a series of works on panel that combine screen printed layers of Greco-Roman textbook pages (Page 56 Parts I - IV) with airbrush and gouache. Structured information depicted in these works relate to the construction and continuation of the art history canon and the way in which we understand visual culture.

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A Closer Look: The Mechanical Bride

As a gallery attached to a printmaking and book arts studio, we aim to feature artists with an expert sense of craft and process, regardless of the medium. This exhibition is no exception, featuring predominantly smaller-scale weaving and embroidery works by Baskin and Humphreys. With their concise and muted color palettes, each work is deceptively simple at a distance, only revealing their expansive intricacies and landscapes of thread through close and careful examination. So, let’s take a closer look, shall we?

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