Meet the Presses!

Meet the Presses!

What would IS Projects be without presses? An inert library of tools, ink and type.

If you’ve ever visited IS Projects, you know that our presses are at the heart of our shop. While we are grateful to be printing a steady stream of custom orders, the truth is that press activity is much quieter these days. So, we thought we would take this opportunity to highlight the equipment we hold so dear and share some insights into each press: how old it is, what it’s used for and how it came to IS Projects.

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How to Run a Printshop at the End of the World

How to Run a Printshop at the End of the World

This new blog is an attempt to document behind-the-scenes of what goes into the prints, the presses, the workshops, the books, and the art. This particular post is meant to give me a little space to share, in a time when natural, deep conversations are scarce and to give you something to read, a voice of encouragement and, hopefully, some insight into how to run a printshop at what feels like the end of the world.

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