The Evolution of Our Fine Art Gallery During Quaratine

The Evolution of Our Fine Art Gallery During Quaratine

In early March, right before the shelter in place order, we had just hung a fantastic exhibition, The Mechanical Bride, featuring fiber work by Sasha Baskin and Christina Humphreys. The show was set to open at the end of the month during the FATVillage Artwalk, an event where all of the artists and galleries in the area open their doors to thousands of interested visitors. Artwalk was, understandably, cancelled by the middle of the month. With a year of gallery programming planned ahead of us and no clear idea as to when we’d be able to safely engage with the public again, we knew we would need to pivot - and fast.

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How to Run a Printshop at the End of the World

How to Run a Printshop at the End of the World

This new blog is an attempt to document behind-the-scenes of what goes into the prints, the presses, the workshops, the books, and the art. This particular post is meant to give me a little space to share, in a time when natural, deep conversations are scarce and to give you something to read, a voice of encouragement and, hopefully, some insight into how to run a printshop at what feels like the end of the world.

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